I want to learn a language, but…

If you are reading this article, I truly believe you are a wanna-learn-language “thinker”. C’est bonne(It’s good)! The only 2 things you need now are a way to conquer the devil inside you and persistence.


Those Benefits You Don’t Know To Learn Languages-Part 2

Needless to say, watching videos is one of the best ways to learn a language. You can mimic what people do and repeat what they say(This way is called “Shadowing”). It would be very interesting. Here, I wanna provide some video resources.


Those Benefits You Don’t Know To Learn Languages-Part 1

Let me tell you a story. One time my roommates drank Tequila and they gave me one shot with a hat-shape bottle cap. They said it’s a tradition from Mexico and they called the cap “Sombrero”.


How I learn spanish in one year on my own

I decided to learn Spanish because…I wanna have a gap year in Australia😆 Yes, maybe you are thinking, “That Doesn’t Make Any Sense”. Well, click read more botton to find out!


Use sklearn to do multilinear regression(by adding a random row)

Use sklearn to do multilinear regression(by adding a random row). And use p-value to eliminate redundant feature.