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Speak a language within a week


Do you study a language at School

It is quite common that people like to learn a language from the school, where they have a teacher who asks them to recite a tons of vocabularies and grammars. However, most students are excellent at writing, reading and poor at speaking.


People spend a lot of time studying and remembering those words from the textbook, but when they meet a native speaker they cannot even say a complete sentence. I have to admit that this frustrated me as well during the period I learnt Japanese at school. Thus, I started to find a solution. 


Here is the thing, I started to do research on it. I began to learn a new language(Spanish) on my own, and used the tips I got from the famous polyglots on Youtube. After one-month learning, I got no problem to use Spanish to express what I wanna say. After one year, I am now able to make my own story.  


If you have the same problem and want to figure out how I did it, keep reading.    

Learning languages at school.jpg
Learning Language at School Result

12 steps make you be able to speak with native speakers

When I start one language, I would like to spend some time searching for online resources. Youtube is a pretty good tool. Also, you can join related Facebook language-learning page. Further, try to find some podcasts to train your listening in the future. Just some little homework and then your journey will go on soon. 

Quick tips for language learning

1. Greet (and response)

When you meet a stranger or somebody you know, the first sentence you would say is “Hi, how are you?” These greeting sentences are very polite and also very useful to open a topic.   

2. Subject

Here I am talking about “pronouns” like you, me, he, she and vice versa. 




3. Yes/No/Interjection

With yes and no, you will be able to answer the simple questions.  Also, the interjection is very important. If you know how to express “you are thinking”, you would probably make “umm…” sound, right. Every country has their own interjections to express doubt, hesitation and interest. If you learn them first, it would be helpful to let others know your feeling.   

4. Question(wh)

Let’s talk about asking a question. Basically, it includes “what”, “when”, “which”, “who”, “how” and “how much/many”. Once you learn these words, you’ve already known how to ask people for help.

WhoHowHow much/many

5. Focus on 12 Verbs 

This is the most crucial part. There are thousands of verbs, but you don’t really need to remember all of them in the beginning. Too overwhelmed!!! Here, to make it simple, I sort out the most frequent 12 verbs that you should learn.

Eat  Drink  Do

Once you look up these words, there is one more thing you need to do. Put pronouns and verbs together. In some languages, like English, French and Spanish, the verb will be changed depending on the pronoun and the tense. Well, another complicated thing shows up. Instead of reciting all the conjugation, I suggest you focus on “I, you, we”, and “now” first. After all, if you want to have a small talk with a person, you have more chances to use these 3 pronouns and the present tense. (Secret:There is no conjugation problem in Mandarin😎)                       

6. Conjunction

With verbs and pronouns, you can make simple sentences. However, if you want to speak more, conjunction is the key. 

ThenNext one
What’s moreFor example

7. I don’t get it

This is my favorite part, and also the most useful part for a beginner. Since you are a first-timer for a new language, you must have a lot of doubts when a native speaker talks with you. Well, to express “I don’t understand” is important. Here are some sentences you can use when you don’t understand what people say.    

I don’t understandI can’t hear you well
Excuse mePardon
Repeat, pleaseSlow down, please

8. Adjective

Like verb, there are numerous of adjectives in the world. As a beginner, I recommend you to focus on those words used to describe the appearance of people, and the view. Try to imagine what kinds of adjectives you might use when you bump into someone at first time and focus on them. 

For example:

Big PrettyYoung
Tall SmallCute
Smart ShortSmart

9. Reason

Story time!!! Now you know basic pronouns, verbs and adjectives, there is no way to stop you make a complete sentence. I bet you must have a good reason to start studying one language, so write it down in your target language.

10. Thing/Place/Word

I know there are still a lot of words you haven’t touched yet. Here I want to share my tip if you want to express something but you don’t know the word. First, you must have to know these 2 words:”the thing” & “the place”. Plus, you also need to learn how to ask people to tell you the word you don’t know in their language. 

The thingThe placeHow to say “xxx” in other language?

11. Number/How long you learn

Number 1 to 10 are the basic ones that you need to know. Also, you need to find out how to say the number of your age and how long you learn the language. Also, when it comes to how long, “day”, “week”, “month” and “year” are 4 important words. Search them in the dictionary first. 


12. Self-Intro

Congratulation! You are able to make a long pattern now. Use those words and sentences you learn from above 11 points to make a self-introduction in order to bring a good impression to new friends!!!  

My own Spanish model

Spanish language learning model 1

Spanish language learning model 2

Spanish language learning model 3

Hi, dear. Here I provide the model for you to creat your own words and sentences list through the 12 steps from the article which will help you start to speak within one week.

Just one click on the Get the model botton and you will receive it.👉👉👉👉

Kevin Amethyst

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Kevin Amethyst

Kevin Amethyst

Hi, I am Kevin. I am fond of learning different languages. Now I am capable of speaking 5 languages. Welcome to my blog and here I will keep writing useful learning-language articles. Enjoy!!!